Blog Innovation

Unlocking the Potential of Underutilized Renewable Energy with Flexible Technologies

The transition to renewable energy is accelerating, but this growth brings challenges, particularly around congestion, curtailment, and market risks. With EDF Renewables North America (EDF RNA), we, at the EDF Innovation Lab, are exploring innovative ways to optimize renewable energy assets by pairing them with flexible load technologies. These technologies not only address operational challenges... Read More

Insights from EDF at the SF Climate Week 2024

In April 2024, the SF Climate Week brought together industry leaders, innovators, investors, and experts from around the US to tackle the most pressing issue of our time: climate change. This year’s events featured visits to climate removal facilities, showcases of climate tech startups, energy debates, generative AI hikes, and more. As attendees delved into... Read More

Collaboration with the EDF Innovation Lab: What Startups need to know

Within the EDF Innovation Lab, our mission is to foster innovation by collaborating with startups and leveraging their fresh ideas and solutions. As a leading energy company, we recognize the value of partnering with startups to stay at the forefront of technology and drive progress in the energy sector. At the heart of our approach... Read More